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                                              Why This Ministry?


Because kids are at risk.  Though raised in the church and taught to believe, though shown loving example by parents and other adults, they are at risk.  Study after study has shown that two-thirds of our kids will abandon the church by the time they are 20.  Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, Charismatic--across the Christian spectrum the story is the same. 


To make matters worse, the common explanation for their loss is itself wrong.  It's not the influence of atheistic professors or bad association in the workplace.  Half of them acknowledge that they began having doubts about their faith in middle school, and the other half, in high school.  Though continuing to attend and remain active like good kids, they were already gone.


There are many reasons why they leave, but the predominating one is that their trust in the Bible as God's Word has been eroded.  The world's drumbeat of skepticism, cynicism, and outright scorn for the Bible and its teachings has eaten away their faith.  Creation, the Flood, the Exodus--the world outside has been telling them these are just stories, no more historical than Jack and the Beanstalk or Beauty and the Beast. 




But they've been misled.  The Bible's accounts are accurate history, and archaeology confirms them. And even though it's not a science text, when it makes statements that science can test, they ring true.  Nothing in geology, biology, anthropology, physics, astronomy, or any other genuine scientific discipline contradicts Scripture.


There are Good Answers, and young believers need to hear them.  That's why we're here.


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